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About DartsMatt
Darts Matt
🎯Hello, Matt here, helping you improve your darts, as I try to improve mine!
In 2023 I picked up some Darts and lost to my Dad with an average of 39. Now on a journey to learn the greatest game on earth, playing live and virtual comps and keeping a diary through a Vlog. I live stream on a Sunday & Monday, publish practice routines, analysis and matches vs subscribers.
From May 2024 I will running virtual Darts events open to everybody & delivering the inaugural DartsMatt Live on the 30th November in Milton Keynes - see you there!
So, if you like the sound of watching a developing darts 'player' (placing player in quotation marks) or playing in Darts Competitions in a fun and growing community, then please subscribe to join in the journey. Or why not email me, or tweet me for a game on Nakka or DartsCounter if you would like to be on the channel.
Finally, throughout my journey as a YouTuber and events producer I will be donating to Dementia UK.